April 15

Blogger Of The Week: Na’ama!

On Monday we had Gym and we got to do a warm up game of octopus, and after that we played a game of four corner dodgeball. after We had French after Gym.
En français nous jouons un jeu de payday, et la classe de core a joué  un jeu et lu un livre.
In French we played a game of Payday and the core class played a game in a book.
During Math class Mrs. Cleveland came in and did some problem solving with us.

On Tuesday we had Art. In Art we are making oil pastel plants. We did a lot of reading and math in English class. We also had Hebrew השינשינים באו לכיתה ו הם הכביעו את האפיקומן
The shinshinim came in and did an afikomen scavenger hunt.

On Wednesday we had Spartacat (the Senators’ mascot) come to our class because Mrs. Bennett signed us up for a class reading challenge, we read 61 books in March, meeting our monthly goal. Spartacat came to our class for a pizza party. When Spartacat came he brought us pizza, hats and signed Spartacat posters. We had so much fun laughing with Spartacat. We played a fill in the blank game that had Spartacat declare – No homework for Sens fans!

In the afternoon we went to Hillel Lodge to make matzah with Rabi Bloom.

On Thursday we had Music and we did some rhythms and we got to use the drums. For Social Studies we went into 2 different classes, one with Mrs. Bennett, and the extended French class has Social Studies with Mr. Polowin in French.

On Friday we had social studies again and we read a story about blanche neige Translation Snow White.
During Hebrew class we had a rehearsal of our model Seder at Hillel Lodge.

I want to thank Noa for helping me translate the Hebrew.

Posted April 15, 2019 by jbennett31 in category Uncategorised

5 thoughts on “Blogger Of The Week: Na’ama!

  1. Mia Aptowitzer

    Hi Na’ama,
    Great blog. You captured everything from last week! I wonder who the next blogger will be…

    1. jbennett31 (Post author)

      Hi Mia,
      Thank you for the comment, I also wonder who the guest blogger will be, we will just have to wait till Friday.

      From Na’ama

  2. Dr. Jon Mitzmacher

    Great blog post Na’ama! I love that you used both Hebrew and French in your post. You also did a great job with your use of text, picture and video to really capture the week. Did you learn any new skills in order to be the guest blogger? Did you notice anything about how you learn by being a guest blogger that you might continue to do in your day job as “student?

    What advice would you give a first time guest blogger?

    I look forward to seeing what you do next!

  3. jbennett31 (Post author)

    Dear Dr. Mitzmacher,

    Thank you for reading my blog. I had fun putting the post together, it was fun learning how to embed videos and stuff. I learned a lot about making pic collage and I am ready to lend a hand to the new guest blogger.



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