grade 4 Model Seder
A reminder about the grade 4 Model Seder :
Dear Parents,
This year Kitah Daled will be having a Model Seder
on Monday, April 3rd at 2:25
For the day of our Model Seder each student is to bring to school the following items (in addition to snack/lunch):
- 1 Hard boiled egg (peeled and wrapped please)
- 1 or 2 small celery sticks
- 1 Leaf of romaine lettuce
The remainder of the Seder ingredients, such as egg matzah, horseradish, NUT-FREE charoset, and grape juice, will be provided.
We also ask that each student come to school dressed in holiday clothing. If they wish to change out of their nice clothing, they are welcome to bring their uniform.
Should you have any concerns regarding food allergies, please provide your child with his/her own food. |
Have a wonderful Pesach Holiday!
Grade 4 team.