December 20

Canada Collage by Grade 4 French Extended

On the last day of school before the Winter Break, students in Madame Sylvie’s Grade 4 French class showed much excitement in assembling their provinces and territories to create a giant map of Canada. Many hours were spent collaborating with a partner to search for information over the past month. Their amazing collage was the last segment to conclude our study of Canada this first term. Stay tuned for upcoming projects on Ancient Civilizations to begin Term 2 in Social Studies.

December 13

Up-Coming Last Week of 2024

Hello All,

This week we had a Cyber Safety Workshop with Mrs. Thompson. Here you can find the slides your child was presented. It would be encouraged to go over the slides with your child.

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Next week:


Tuesday is our Chanukah Concert Starting at 6:15

All grade 4 students will be sitting on the floor at the front of the gym during the concert. At any point you wish to depart you are welcome to come collect your child. There will be doughnuts after the event in the two Hallways of the main entrance.

Friday, December 20th – Dress Down (PJ Style!) donations going to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa

December 6

After The Snow Fall

Hello All,

We have come to the end of another great week in grade 4!

With great excitement we had our first snow fall.

In math, we continued on with fractions in the form of identifying, comparing, adding and simplifying.

ELA/Science — Our dioramas are almost completed, and students will be creating presentations explaining their interruptions. Each student will plan and present two aspects from their dioramas.


Notes:   Next week – Grade 4 Cyber Security Workshop

Chanukah Party    Tuesday, December 176:15 – 7:45pm


We had our very successful Grade 4/5 Night Out.



November 28

Just In Time For December

As we come to the end of another school month, I report the grade 4’s have been very busy.

We got our first math assessment out of the way and moved on to a unit in fractions.

The students have their tests and you will see  K, T, C, A each is out of a 4. [3 = ME]

While learning fractions we used foam pizzas and toppings to create and imagine the slices as fractions.

In the Project Base Learning (PBL) of English and Science, both classes have been working on their Wild Robot dioramas.

In Social Studies the class was able to explore artifacts on loan from the Canadian Museum of History.


Things to note: No school tomorrow – PD day for staff.

Next week we will be having a workshop on Cyber Security

Book Fair Is HERE!!!

AND…. Grade 4/5 Night out. Please read, sign and return the school’s permission forms and fill out the waiver online.

November 22

Nov 22

Hello All,

November has been busy!

As a follow up to SMART Goals conferences, students are blogging about how they are making their goals come true.

Please see if your student has completed their blog posting.


In math we have been working on fractions and reviewing patterns for next week’s quiz.

All info is on Google Classroom, students can review and ask questions on Monday!


In science we have presented many of our Habitat presentations and moving on to constructing our dioramas.

Our Media Life: We have had some issues with educational websites, but we are working on them. We have had our 2nd workshop (Personal Media Choices) with Ms. Brigitte and we are always carrying the conversation forward.

On Monday we will demonstrate how to change personal passwords.



All Students should have their agendas up-to-date and SHOULD ALL have them back in class on Monday!!!

Thursday Nov 28 is Dress Down Day, please send some change for donations. “Sparks to Life” [a nonprofit organization based in Tzfat partnered with Operation
Lifeshield to bring life-saving shelters to young children in northern Israel]

Friday Nov 29 is a PD day — no school for students.