Hello All,
November has been busy!
As a follow up to SMART Goals conferences, students are blogging about how they are making their goals come true.
Please see if your student has completed their blog posting.
In math we have been working on fractions and reviewing patterns for next week’s quiz.
All info is on Google Classroom, students can review and ask questions on Monday!
In science we have presented many of our Habitat presentations and moving on to constructing our dioramas.

Our Media Life: We have had some issues with educational websites, but we are working on them. We have had our 2nd workshop (Personal Media Choices) with Ms. Brigitte and we are always carrying the conversation forward.
On Monday we will demonstrate how to change personal passwords.

All Students should have their agendas up-to-date and SHOULD ALL have them back in class on Monday!!!
Thursday Nov 28 is Dress Down Day, please send some change for donations. “Sparks to Life” [a nonprofit organization based in Tzfat partnered with Operation
Lifeshield to bring life-saving shelters to young children in northern Israel]
Friday Nov 29 is a PD day — no school for students.