June 24

Grade 4 Blogfolios

We are so excited to announce that we have blogfolios. For the past two weeks, we have been publishing the work we have done throughout distance learning.

It has been wonderful to see the students so motivated and excited about their learning. I have seen such a big difference in the amount of writing that the children have done since they started writing blog posts of their own.

We reflected as a class about writing persuasive essays, speeches, and blog posts. I had found it more difficult getting the students to write persuasive essays and speeches. Blog post challenges were different; students chose a topic and kept writing and writing. They asked to write any chance they got. One student said that it was much easier to write about things you like.

The students also became excited by the possibility of more people reading their blog posts. Dr. Mitzmacher was the first one to read the blogfolios, and guess what? He saw all of our essays about persuading him to have more field trips and more breaks in the school day. They loved reading and replying to his comments.

Students have chosen to write about topics they are passionate about and they are using their blog folios to share their voice with a greater audience. The amount of writing has increased and the quality has improved too. It is so interesting to read about the different topics the students are passionate about. Morah Yardena has them writing blog posts in Hebrew too. Some of the students have also started to publish some French work as well.

I think the writing will continue throughout the summer and hopefully for the years to come. I couldn’t be happier!