June 24

Self Directed Science!

Students are finishing up their final Science project with a bit of a difference… It is self directed!

Self-directed learning is the ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate one’s own learning goals, strategies, and outcomes. It is a valuable skill for children to develop, as it fosters independence, creativity, and lifelong learning. However, self-directed learning does not mean learning in isolation…

I end the school year by adapting the final Science unit to reflect some self directed principals, mainly around student choice. The unit is Rocks and Minerals, I will introduce the topic and some of the main ideas but then it is down to the students to choose an interest area within that topic to pursue in way that works for them.  In this project, there are students who are exploring volcanic rock and are building a model volcano (yes we will make it explode!) another project is a stop motion rock cycle short film, others are using Mine craft… Student choice and autonomy is essential!

Here are our ‘building’ stage pics – check each out individual student blogs for specific projects.

May 1

Big Question… Benefits and Challenges of Tech in the classroom

Each year, as I reviewed and revised the Grade 4 curriculum, I prepared for the responsibility of year 1 of BYOD (Bring your own Device). Students in grade 4 are introduced to the accountability for using a computer in class. This opens up many new skills that students in Grades K-3 may not have been aware of. Each year, I am asked the same questions about safety, skill building and ‘What happened to old-fashioned paper and pencil?” – Fear not, there is always a balance! Using technology in the Grade 4 classroom can offer numerous benefits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Below are some of those benefits and challenges for both students and teachers:


  1. Engagement: Technology can make learning more interactive and engaging for students, capturing their attention and enthusiasm through multimedia resources, educational apps, and interactive whiteboards.
  2. Personalized learning: With the help of educational software and online platforms, teachers can tailor learning experiences to individual students’ needs, providing personalized instruction and adaptive feedback.
  3. Access to information: The internet provides vast resources for research, allowing students to explore topics beyond the confines of traditional textbooks and classroom materials, fostering curiosity and independent learning.
  4. Collaboration: Technology enables students to collaborate with peers on projects, share ideas, and communicate effectively through platforms like Google Classroom, collaborative document editing tools, and video conferencing.
  5. Preparation for the future: Integrating technology into the classroom helps students develop digital literacy skills essential for success in the modern world, preparing them for future academic and professional endeavours.
  6. Differentiation: Technology allows teachers to differentiate instruction more effectively, providing additional support or challenges to students based on their individual abilities and learning styles.


  1. Distraction: The presence of technology devices in the classroom can be a distraction, tempting students to engage in non-educational activities such as gaming or social media.
  2. Digital divide: Not all students have equal access to technology at home, leading to disparities in learning opportunities and potentially widening the achievement gap between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  3. Tech dependence: Over-reliance on technology may hinder students’ development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as their ability to learn through hands-on experiences and face-to-face interactions.
  4. Security and privacy concerns: Using online platforms and digital tools raises concerns about data privacy, security, and the protection of student’s personal information, requiring careful consideration of privacy policies and security measures.
  5. Tech-related stress: Excessive screen time and digital overload can contribute to stress, fatigue, and other negative health effects among students, particularly if not balanced with offline activities and physical exercise.
  6. Technical issues: Technology glitches, network connectivity issues, and software malfunctions can disrupt instructional time and cause frustration for both teachers and students, highlighting the importance of technical support and contingency plans.

So as you imagine, it is not as simple and straightforward as YES or NO to tech use in the classroom. It as I mentioned above is a balance. I like to think that each year I tweak, it is a balance that amplifies students’ experience in learning and the possibilities of connecting our class to the wider world.