Math: Grade/Skill Review
Math: Skill & Concept Review
Here you will find resources for any math review from the year.
There are resources to print and practice (review) at home.
It is divided up by grade and then by strand.
Don’t forget your IXL Accounts are still active, and you can work on any skill through that medium as well.
Reference Sheets (Formulas and handy Anchor Charts to have as reference: Grade 6, 7, and 8 in order)
Overall Basic Key Skills
Grade 4 Review (Going into Grade 5)
- Number Sense
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Patterns and Algebra
- Fractions
- Measurement
- Money
Grade 5 Review (Going into Grade 6)
University of Waterloo Grades 4/5/6, 7/8 and + Questions to promote problem solving at home.
Grade 6 Review (Going into Grade 7)
Number Sense and Numeration
- Understanding Numbers
- Addition and Subtraction Booklet
- Multiplication and Division Booklet
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Booklet
Patterning and Algebra
Data Management and Probability
Open Ended Questions
- Reflective Questions to ask while working through a problem
- Sample “Open Ended” questions to try for review
Grade 7 Review (Going into Grade 8)
Waterloo 7/8 Courseware “This course covers the topics typically taught in Canadian Grade 7 and 8 Mathematics curricula and, in some instances, extends ideas beyond grade level. Letters are included beside the unit names to help group the units into similar themes.”
Number Sense and Numeration
- Whole Numbers
- Whole Numbers (Additional Booklet)
- Arithmetic and a Calculator Booklet
- Percentage Basics
- Percentages and a Calculator Booklet
- Decimals
- Decimals (Additional Booklet)
- Fractions
- Fractions (Additional Booklet)
- Integer Numbers and Relations
- Integers (Additional Booklet)
- Special Numbers, Factors and Multiples Booklet
Patterning and Algebra
Data Management and Probability
Grade 8 Review (Going into Grade 9)
Here are some hand picked skills that may be a good refresher, and as well some new and (reviewed in class) grade 9 concepts that you may have be exposed and learned this year.
Grade 8 Refreshers:
- Expanding and Factoring
- Simplifying Algebra
- Percentage Calculations
- Rates and Ratios
- Equations
- Pythagoras’ Theorem
- Circles and Cylinders
- Equations and Formulas
- Rates and Ratios (on the coordinate grid)
Grade 9 that may have been taught this year…
- Simplifying Equations
- Equations and Inequalities
- Scientific Notation
- Consumer Arithmetic
- Earning Money
Grade 8 and 9 Fact/Formula/Info Sheets by Unit
Grade 9 Workbooks (NEW Ontario Curriculum)
Reaching Ahead…and further…
Waterloo 9/10/11 Courseware “The Grade 9/10/11 courseware was developed through the CEMC by experienced teachers in partnership with faculty members and multimedia developers from the University of Waterloo. The materials feature lessons, interactive activities, enrichment challenges, and unlimited opportunity for practice with feedback. The courseware is online, free to use, and does not require registration to access”