January 24

Hello All,
The grade 4s have been busy – busy building beavers!

An ongoing build for Innovation Day. Castles with working drawbridges. Almost all have finished their origin stories and the build is on. Along with the building process the teams are responsible for logging their scientific process through a lab report. There has been some rebuilding required based on trial and error.


In math we have moved on to multiply and dividing fractions. Her we are playing a fraction inspired board game.


Things to note:
– So excited about our Technology Museum visit on Wednesday. HANDS ON PULLEY AND GEARS!
– Report cards go home Monday
– Noon dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday — Parent teacher conferences


January 17

Mid Jan

Hello All,

New project based learning has started! The kids are excitedly writing, planning and sharing ideas to build a Medieval Castle!

Thanks to Ms. M for passing this along…

The science unit is based on Pulleys and Gears. The class was asked to investigate and build a working draw bridge that fits with their castle ideas. Aligning this with ELA, the students have been assigned an Origins Story to explain why they need to build a castle.  PLEASE ASK your child to share, some of the stories are amazing!

On Jan 29th we will be heading out on a field trip to the Tech museum to have a hands-on workshop with working pulleys and gears.

January 10

First Week Of Jan

Hello All,

I hope you all had a great break and families are all well.

The grade 4s are back in action and working hard on new a great activities.

There is a math test that will happen on Monday and we have been reviewing fractions most of the week. The kids will have a review package if they want to go over similar types of questions.

We are starting another group project that leads into our Innovation Day Presentations Feb 11. We are collecting cardboard suitable for cutting out castle walls and drawbridges.

Snowhawks next Monday and taste of Middle School on Wednesday.



December 20

Canada Collage by Grade 4 French Extended

On the last day of school before the Winter Break, students in Madame Sylvie’s Grade 4 French class showed much excitement in assembling their provinces and territories to create a giant map of Canada. Many hours were spent collaborating with a partner to search for information over the past month. Their amazing collage was the last segment to conclude our study of Canada this first term. Stay tuned for upcoming projects on Ancient Civilizations to begin Term 2 in Social Studies.

December 13

Up-Coming Last Week of 2024

Hello All,

This week we had a Cyber Safety Workshop with Mrs. Thompson. Here you can find the slides your child was presented. It would be encouraged to go over the slides with your child.

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Next week:


Tuesday is our Chanukah Concert Starting at 6:15

All grade 4 students will be sitting on the floor at the front of the gym during the concert. At any point you wish to depart you are welcome to come collect your child. There will be doughnuts after the event in the two Hallways of the main entrance.

Friday, December 20th – Dress Down (PJ Style!) donations going to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa