February 1

What did Kitah Dalet Do This Week.

Hello, my name is Noa and I am going to tell you what Kitah Dalet did this week. We have had a great week learning new things and doing fun activities.

We started off our week by having Mrs. Cleveland come to our class and she took a small group of students to her office to learn long division. When we understood how to do it we got a math sheet to solve.

In English class we are practicing our blogging skills. We each presented our blogs to the class on Friday, and learned how to comment on each other’s blogs.  Here is a short video of everyone working on a blog post on Google Docs:

In French class we started a new unit. Our new unit is Ancient Egypt. We have started reading about it in class. Also, we picked a sport we want to write about for a project we are going to start soon. We have the choice to either make a poster board, or make a Google Slide presentation.

In Hebrew class the Shinshinim came in and did a fun activity with us. This time they made a Monopoly game for us. We had a few competitions, and one of them was that whoever built the best building out of LEGO would win. The other competition was whoever made the best paper airplane that could fly the farthest would win.


Today our class had a workshop with Brigitte, our librarian. We learned all about note-taking when researching different topics. We watched a video on this topic, and then put our note-taking skills to work.

Being a guest blogger was a great experience for me. I loved taking pictures and writing about what my class and I did this week. The only thing that I found a bit hard was when some people were moving and the picture turned out blurry, but other than that, everything was just fine.
I hope you enjoyed seeing what Kitah Dalet did this week, and I am hoping to be a guest blogger again!

Posted February 1, 2019 by jbennett31 in category Uncategorised

11 thoughts on “What did Kitah Dalet Do This Week.

  1. Sharon Reichstein

    You are a wonderful blogger Noa. I loved learning about your class was up to this week. What was your favourite activity?

    1. jbennett31 (Post author)

      Thank you Mrs. Reichstein! I am glad you liked my blog post. My favourite activity was when we made paper airplanes with the Shinshinim.


  2. Elana Aptowitzer

    Noa, I’m so impressed with your writing! You’ve captured the activities of the week beautifully. Your grammar, spelling and punctuation were spot on, and I like the way you keep your sentences short, clear, and to the point. Well done!

    1. jbennett31 (Post author)

      Thank you very much for reading my blog. I had Mrs. Bennett, and Ms. Signer help me proofread my work. The good news is that they didn’t find too many mistakes:)


  3. Danny Peters

    Hi Noa,

    This is a very cool blog. You’ve summarized the activities clearly and provided vivid examples of classroom activities. Well done!

    1. jbennett31 (Post author)

      Thank you, I am so glad you liked my blog. It was really fun describing all the activities we did during the week.


    1. jbennett31 (Post author)

      Hi Audrey,

      I am glad you liked my blog. I think you are going to do a great job being the guest blogger!


  4. Joey

    Hi Noa,
    Great post! I really liked your blog post because you took great pictures that really explained your words, you made that super nice iMovie, and you had almost no grammar or spelling mistakes. You said that the only thing that was hard was that people were moving a lot. If I am the guest blogger one time did you find out any tips for not getting it so blurry?

  5. jbennett31 (Post author)

    Hi Audrey,

    I am glad you liked my blog. I think you are going to do a great job being the guest blogger!



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