May 10

Social Studies Test – Extended French

Corrected social studies tests have now been scanned and added to your child’s assessment folder on Google Drive, which was shared with you at the beginning of the year. If you are unable to find it, please reach out and I will send it out again. As per usual, if your child is not satisfied with their grade and wishes to retake their test, please let me know.

February 8

Jump Into the Technological Bandwagon with Storyjumper | Blogging  Technopedagogy

The extended French group has been working hard on their creative writing these last few weeks. They were tasked with creating a plan, writing a story and having their story peer-reviewed before finally creating their final product on Story Jumper.

Our 2 authors today are Jonah and Liam V. 

November 26

Verb test- Extended French

There will be a verb test on the verbs ,

être, avoir, aller and faire.

There will be 3 components to the test.

Part 1. Fill-in-the-blank using the correct verb.

Part 2: Translate the sentences from English to French.

Part 3: Create ten different sentences using a mix of pronouns and verbs.

A study/review packet was handed out in the class, and there are many verb games from Francais Facile posted to this blog.

Please let me know if there are any questions.